Youth on Sundays

On Sunday mornings we have a specific session for young people in years 7-9 and on Sunday evenings we have a session for those in years 10-13.

Visit our 'What's on for Youth' page to find out more about what we do in the week.  

Our hope is that our young people will discover the full life that Jesus promises; learn to live it; and then give it away to others. It really is the best life you can live.

We have a range of resources and ideas on topics like, The Bibleprayer & worship,  to help young people connect with God and keep Him at the centre of their life.

Pete Hewlett

Pete Hewlett
Youth & Young Adults Minister

Sundays for Young People...

Illuminate Sunday Mornings

Illuminate Sunday Mornings

Sunday 16th February
10.30am - 12noon
Chobham Road

For young people in years 7-9. Join us as we encourage one another to put God at the centre of our lives. FAILURE AND SUCCESS: This week we'll be looking at how to deal with 'Failure and Success'. For more info please email our Youth Minister,

Illuminate Sunday Evenings

Illuminate Sunday Evenings

Sunday 16th February
7.30pm - 9pm
Connaught Road

For young people in years 10-13. Join us as we encourage one another to put God at the centre of our lives. PRAYER AND WORSHIP: This session we will be a chance to start a new week without distractions. We'll be praying and worshipping together. For more info please email our Youth Minister,

Youth Catalyst Central

Youth Catalyst Central

Sunday 23rd February
3pm - 8pm
St Giles, Dell Centre

Get ready to be energised and inspired at Youth Catalyst Central! This year, our theme is Authentic Hope—a powerful reminder that even in uncertain times, we can discover genuine hope that transforms lives and inspires change. We are so excited to have Dan Blythe coming along to speak to us and the amazing Kate Flanders leading worship! There will be some amazing seminars and listening workshops too!