God created the human race in his image. An image that should be treated with dignity, care, compassion and value.
The care and protection of children, young people and adults involved in Church activities is the responsibility of everyone who participates in the life of the Church. No one should have to deal with the trauma of any abuse. That is why safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults is a priority to us. We follow the Diocese of Guildford's Safeguarding Guidelines and Requirements and Promoting a Safer Church: The Church of England’s Safeguarding Policy for children, young people and adults.
Our Commitments
- Promoting a safer environment and culture.
- Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children, young people and vulnerable adults.
- Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern and allegation.
- Caring pastorally for victims and survivors of abuse and other affected persons.
- Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons.
- Responding to those who may pose a present risk.