As a church we are committed to serve our community in Brookwood, Knaphill & beyond, for Jesus. For our facilities, running costs, gifts, and more to happen we rely on financial contributions.
We do not receive any external funding, including from the Church of England, and so are solely reliant on the regular giving of our members and other gifts.
As a church family we long to see people discover Jesus, live in the full life he brings and to be a people who are actively sharing our faith with others. We yearn to be people who worship Jesus, and see His Holy Spirit move in power amongst all people of all ages in our church, local community and around the world.
Giving is an act of worship. We give back to God what He has blessed us with so that the work of seeing people discover Jesus for themselves and grow in faith can happen.
You may not have ever thought about giving before but we encourage you to start with what ever amount you feel you can. We know the bible talks about tithing and being generous in our giving, but we don't want you going into debt. Start with what you feel able to.
If you are a regular worshipper at Woodhill Church then please do consider starting to give on a regular basis. It really will make a difference.
One-Off Gifts
We are always grateful for one off gifts, and we can accept one-off gifts via a number of ways:
Bank Transfer (BACS):
Name: | Holy Trinity & St Saviour's Churches |
Bank Account No: | 52109344 |
Sort Code: | 40-47-08 |
Please use your full name as the reference.
Credit of Debit Card:
We have a card reader at the church where you can select the donation amount and give following the instructions on screen.
Cash or Cheque:
If you wish to give a cash or a cheque, then please give to a steward at the church, or post to the church office (address in the footer). Cheques should be made payable to "Holy Trinity & St Saviour's Church".
Cash & Contactless donations under £30 are automatically eligible for Gift Aid. If you are a tax payer and make a donation over £30 or by BACS or Cheque, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration to accompany your donation.
Boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate. Gift Aid is reclaimed by the Woodhill Church from the tax you pay for the current tax year.
All donations under £30, paid in cash or by contactless, automatically qualify for Gift Aid.
If you wish us to collect Gift Aid on other gifts, please ensure your name is shown as a reference. If you have not already done so complete and return the Gift Aid Declaration form to our treasurer. If your gift is from you and your spouse, to claim Gift Aid the money must clearly come from the tax payer (i.e. If the money is coming from a joint account please state that the gift is from the tax payer).

Elaine Tisdall
If you have any questions about making a donation or gift, please do contact Elaine and she would be more than happy to assist you.