Serve God's Kingdom
The Ministry Experience Scheme and Future Youth are national initiatives to help people find out more about serving God's Kingdom in the local church. MES and Future Youth currently run in the Guildford Diocese at Woodhill Church in Knaphill and Brookwood, for up to two candidates every year, starting in September.
If you join us, you will be involved in many aspects of our church's ministry, experiencing a wide range of activities, with around half your time spent working as part of a team in our children and youth ministries.
You will get immersed in the local church and all its ministry. You could be doing youth work, helping with our community fridge, serving on Alpha, helping with our church's social media, learning what priesthood is all about, joining in daily prayers and maybe even preaching on Sundays.
Explore Ministry
To help you explore ministry, we will always take your interests, passions and calling into account as we consider where and how you can serve. A key aspect of your time with us is training. We set apart time each week to discuss and learn together. This involves both theological learning and practical support to build your leadership and team skills. You will also attend the Guildford Diocese 'first timers' course one day per week. As part of the scheme, we also think it's important for you to widen your experience of the Christian faith in action so we love to offer you external training and fellowship events such as New Wine, Satellites Youth Festival, Church Weekend Away, Youth Weekend Away, Big Church Festival.